Friday 14 June 2013


Reflecting on Blogging

What skills I gained while writing to a blogging audience?

I found it quiet challenging trying to write in a relaxed style of literature, while remaining somewhat academic and professional for a blogging audience. I think it would be easier to do this when writing about something that I am extremely passionate about. My thoughts are when writing to a blogging audience it is important to include them. For example ask question such as ‘ don’t you think when the font is too small it gives you a headache’? This engages the audience more, and caters for more relaxed, easy reading which is what blogging is about.

The particular skills I gained would most prominently be learning how to create a blog and the little simple steps it takes to change the background, font and layout. I found that the use of images amongst the text accommodates the lighter reading style of a blog too.

What skills did you gain regarding design?

I feel that blogging is for the more creative, visual type. It doesn’t have to be all about text, and writing. Despite that a lot of blogs are text based I think it is important to have colour, headings, images and small paragraphs of text. The more clear, colourful and simple the blog, the more engaged the reader. The most important thing I learnt was overall how to create a post, and also the different layouts that you can choose to have. I think simplicity and colour is key.

What is your view on blogging?

I think blogging is a great tool and form of self-expression. It represents a democratic community where people can voice their opinions, share their ideas, communicate with others and connect with an extensive audience. I follow numerous fashion and food blogs which have enormous influences on my life. They effect the way I dress, the types of food I eat and my diet, In affect this has forced me to become more cultural as I am visiting blogs from all around the world, eating different foods, and embracing the different fashions. 


My Favourite Food Blog 
- the Pickyeater -

The Pickyeater is a blog written by a 20 year old girl, Anjali who tells you the truth about food, and pretty much what is good and what is not good for you. She identifys all the hiden faults to foods that we think is good for us, such as protein bars.  Anjali also provides a link to healthy recicpies which are catagoriesed under different cusicens such as Mexican, Italian, Asain and Thai. 

In relation to the design of the blog, i love how simple it is to use with clear links similar to 'Lovely Peper by Alexandra.' Its colour pallet of different orange tones makes for a warm inviting  feel while also making the blog appear fresh. This possibly represents the healthy and clean food types and ingrediances Anjali talks about in her recepies. I also like the use of dot points, short paragraphs, and numerious images which are used to represent her idea and also what the dish should look like at the different stages if your making one. 
The langauge which is used in this blog is also very simplistic, making for easy reading. Additionally, i love the fact that she has a link to a 'recipie box' where readers can posts their own idea of a healthy recepie for Anjali to make. This creates a type of interaction and participation between herself and her followers/ readers. 

Blog Link:


Shock Jock Grills Julia Gillard on Air

Issue: Perth radio Host Howard Sattler was suspended after asking Julia Gillard weather her partner Tim Mathieson was gay. He asked the question during an interview on Thursday, where he challenged her to answer a series of myths and rumors. After the interview Ms Gillard refused to take questions on the controversy, but reiterated comments from Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick that the treatment of high-profile women could send a damaging message to the next generation. "I want young girls and women to be able to feel like they can be included in public life and not have to face questioning like the questioning I faced yesterday."

 Prime Minister Julia Gillard is worried young girls are being turned off public life by the way she is being treated.


My Perspective: Despite that Radio Shock Jocks are employed to cause controversy and have a loud and obnoxious opinion, implications resulting from them must be taken into consideration. This sort questioning could also represent a form of bullying to its audience, setting an example to young listeners. Julia Gillard may have a high profile, although so do radio personalities. Their opinion and references to such issues may sway its listeners and therefore affect Julia Gillard’s reputation, and position as Prime Minister. I believe it is unfair to put anyone on the spot like that, and ask such personal questions, particularly when thousands of people are going to hear the answer.


Rupert Murdoch Phone Hacking Scandle

 Issue: employees of British newspapers published by News International were accused of engaging in phone hacking, police bribery and inappropriate influence in order to publish stories. Phone hacking activities were limited to celebrities, politicians and members of the British Royal Family.

British Prime Miester announced that a public inquiry would look into the affair after police investigations had ended. A separate enquiry would also consider the ethics of the wider British media, and the Press Complaints Commission would be replaced entirely.

Rupert Murdoch, director of News International, admitted that a cover-up had taken place within the News of the World to hide the scope of the phone hacking.



My Perspective: I believe the invasion of ones privacy is a very personal attack. Privacy seems to be a growing concern for everyday Australians whether it is in dealings with individuals, businesses, government agencies or the media. It is particularly concerning as new technologies provides more opportunities for communication and new ways to compromise private information. At the moment there is no general right to privacy in Australia, therefore there is no certainty for anyone wanted to sue for a breach of privacy. This is something that I believe needs to be taken more seriously by the government as it can have huge implications on peoples lives. 

Thursday 6 June 2013


My Favourite Blog 
-Lovely Pepa by Alexandra-

Lovely Pepa by Alexandra is my favorite fashion blog. Alexandra who is the writer and publisher of the blog, posts everday. She uploads images of what she is wearing for the day, what inspired her outfit, and where she bought each item from. Alexandra then provides links to where you can buy each item, or something similar for yourself. This makes everything accessible to her followers allowing them to get that same look/ outfit which i love most about this blog.

Not only do I love her taste in fashion but I also love how easy it is to navigate around the blog. There are clear links to contact her, veiw her future projects such as new makup lines, styling of shoots for magazines, and  her future predictions of up and coming trends. I also find the use of large headings above every image she uploads an attractive feature. Each heading relates to the image and tells you something more about the photo. She also uses white space effectivly so that readers dont feel overwhelmed, but rather more engaged on what she has published. 

Blog Link:

Wednesday 5 June 2013


Delta gets called 'racists' after 
a re-tweet

Issue: Deltra Goodroom is known for her professional singing career, however now more prominently known for her role as a judge on the reality television program ‘The Voice.’ The TV start re-tweeted a photograph of fans dressed as The Voice’s judges at a costume party. There was a man in a blonde wig portraying Delta, and another covered in black paint, with fake Scars to represent Seal. Delta tweeted 
‘This is hilarious!! Hope you u had fun! Ha!!' Soon later Delta was being branded as ‘racist.’


My perspective: As social media, such as Twitter goes instantly viral, and there is so much accessibility to it, what you Twitter particularly as a celebrity has to be executed. If you are of a public figure there are a lot more consequences to tweets and to giving your opinion on social media than if you were an 'average Joe'. That being said I think racism is extremely subjective. It seems like anything you say if it involves a dark skinned person is racist. What about when a dark skinned person calls someone white? Or if a dark skinned man put white paint on them? I bet there wouldn’t be an uproar of people labelling them as racist.