Leisel gets called fat by The Melbourne Herald Sun
Issue: Two
days before the start of London 2012 Olympics, The Melbourne Herald Sun
scrutinised swimmer Leisel Jones’s physique suggesting that she was out of
shape and not fit to compete. The paper questioned weather the 26-year-old
fitted into her swimsuit as well as it did four years ago. The newspaper also
had a poll asking readers there opinion as to if she was fit enough to compete.
The Australian Olympic team chief slammed the news paper as ‘disgraceful’ for
describing a triple gold medallist as overweight just two days before the start
of the London 2012 Olympics.
Source: http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/leisel%20jones
Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2179394/Backlash-Australian-newspaper-describes-Olympic-triple-gold-medallist-fat-questions-fitness.html
Perspective on the issue: I think that there should be a stricter code of conduct
enforced for journalists in regards to what they can publish. Journalists need
to have a better understanding of how such issues as this are a form of
victimization, and how it can have serious consequences for the affected
person. It is also setting an extremely bad example for the young and old as to
what type of body shape is acceptable and not acceptable in our society. Leisel
is an Olympic swimmer who is fit and healthy, with an athletes body. There is
already enough pressure from magazines to be thin as a rake, but now its
suggesting that if you have an athletic physic your fat!
Source: http://www.tumblr.com/tagged/leisel%20jones
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